It is a Wednesday, but due to a nasty little virus – flu – today is more like a Monday; but worse. It is a Monday on steroids - as my week is only two days long! Thanks to various forms of medication (got to love drugs) and missing two days of stuff (work and everything else), and this weekend being a long weekend, my head will soon explode from all the strain of having to think, decorating the walls and desk with lovely shades of red and….
It doesn’t help matters that I have the attention span of a gnat (on a normal day) either. If I manage to finish this, keeping to one train of thought it will be a miracle!
Apart from battling with the flu, I’ve been battling the bureaucratic mess that involves leaving one job, and moving to another… at the moment though, this one is still on going.
So, as I persevere and fight my way to the end of the day, at least I do have one saving grace – tomorrow is the start of a nice long, well deserved, weekend!
Ok you can hate me...I remembered your birthday on the 8th but didnt know where to send an email or a letter...but enough excuses i should have made a plan and probably smsed you..im so sorry..what is your email add now?
don't worry - i don't hate you.... you did remember (eventualy), and that's all that counts!
There's a lind on my latest post with my email addy.
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