After lengthy consideration, and countless occasions of severe annoyance, I have reached to conclusion that stupid people should NOT under any circumstances be allowed to breed! Not only do these people really irk me, and the fact that they are a financial drain, but they are brining the collective intelligence of the human race down to that of foot fungus.
Granted, in the past few centuries there have been amazing technological breakthroughs, but you have to wonder what future we as a species might have, if fast-food companies have to put warning labels on their products stating that it could make you fat, or a chainsaw company placing a warning label instructing not to stop the chain with hands or genitals. If you’re stupid enough to try stop a chainsaw using your genitals, then you don’t deserve to have genitals! At least then the rest of us can rest assured that there will be no unfortunate offspring with your hazardous IQ.
What has prompted me to post this was not just concern for my fellow intelligent human beings out there, in an attempt to spare them countless hours of near-fatal frustration; but to voice my annoyance at the sheer stupidity of some people. People who do not know how to operate a computer should not be allowed near one. Ever. Not under any circumstances. Important files, folders, programs, printers are all at risk from being deleted! Or worse… (I really do not want to finish that thought right now).
The pollution of our gene pool must come to an end!
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Great post Jess,
This is exactly how I feel today, and everyday.
Cool picture,
I have the same picture for one of themes on my phone.
You know that the spelling mistake in the first paragraph did so make me laugh- especially at the point where you were saying bringing down the general intelleigence and spelt it 'brinning'...why did I find that funny I cant not tell!! How are you dear vriendin??
I think you're the only one who noticed that!!!
Really emphasises my point.
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